佐藤 祐輔(宮坂研)
宮坂 博
Application of transient anisotropy measurements to direct detection of charge-hopping and excitation energy migration in the same kind of molecules
Initial processes of photosynthesis start with the light absorption by light-harvesting antenna, followed by the efficient communication of excitation energy into the reaction center where the light energy is converted to the electric potential through the charge separation (electron transfer reaction). Chemists have been synthesizing artificial model compounds of light-harvesting antenna and reaction centers by mimicking the natural systems to realize efficient artificial photo-energy conversion molecules and to acquire the comprehensive understanding of the natural systems. In the presentation, I will introduce two papers reporting the energy migration in the artificial antenna systems as revealed by ultrafast laser spectroscopy.
The first paper reports elucidation of excitation energy transfer process between porphyrin units by time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy. Anisotropy decay times in the porphyrin arrays can be interpreted by the Forster incoherent excitation energy hopping process. The second paper reports elucidation of excitation energy transfer process between porphyrin units by transient dichroism and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy. Both the pump-power dependence on the transient absorption and the transient absorption anisotropy decay profiles are directly related with the excitation energy migration process within the porphyrin rings, where the exciton-exciton annihilation time and the polarization anisotropy rise time are well described in terms of the Forster-type incoherent energy hopping model.
一般に同種分子間の励起エネルギー移動や電荷ホッピングは電子スペクトルの変化を伴わないので、通常の過渡電子スペクトルの測定ではこれらの過程を直接抽出することはできない。そこで、偏光励起によって生じる 過渡吸収二色性(transient dichroism)や蛍光の偏光度(fluorescence polarization)などの異方性(anisotropy)の減衰過程から、これらの過程を検出する。これらの検出法の概略を、応用例を含めまず説明する。続いて、これらの手法を人工的に合成されたポルフィリン分子集合体からなるアンテナモデル化合物における励起エネルギー移動過程の解明に応用した研究例を二報報告する。過渡吸収測定の励起光強度依存性や過渡二色性の減衰から得られる、ポルフィリン分子間の励起エネルギー移動過程や直接関係しているが、S1−S1消滅時間、また励起エネルギー移動を支配するForster機構についても紹介する。