徳岡 克也(清水研)
加賀山 朋子
Complex magnetic phase diagram of ferromagnetic CeNiSb3

The occurrence of exotic ground states in the vicinity to a second-order magnetic transition tuned to zero temperature by pressure, or quantum critical point (QCP), has attracted considerable attention in recent years. Pressure tuning of f-electron heavy-fermion compounds has been particularly fruitful in uncovering the behavior near the quantum critical point.

I present measurements of electrical resistivity up to 55 kbar on ferromagnetic CeNiSb3 (TC=6 K).

The ferromagnetic transition temperature first increases with applied pressure up to 31.3 kbar, then begins to decrease at high pressure up to 35.6 kbar. At 39.5 kbar, a sharp anomaly in ρ(T) at TM2=5 K signals the onset of a second phase transition below the upper one at TM1=7 K.

The critical pressure for the suppression of the lower temperature magnetic phase is estimated to be 55 kbar, while the increases of the residual resistivity ρ0 and etc. is suggestive of a quantum critical point associated with higher temperature magnetic phase at 60 kbar.



今回の発表では強磁性体であるCeNiSb3(TC=6 K)の55 kbarまでの圧力下での電気抵抗測定の結果を発表する。

強磁性転移温度TCは圧力が31.3 kbarまでの範囲で増加した。その後、35.6 kbarまでTCは減少し、39.5 kbarでは7 K(=TM1)での転移よりも低い5 K(=TM2)において二つ目の相への転移を示す電気抵抗率の鋭い折れ曲がりが現れた。

低温側の磁気秩序を抑える臨界圧は55 kbar、量子臨界点に関係している高温側の磁気秩序の臨界圧は、残留抵抗の値の変化などから60 kbarと見積もられた。


V.A.Sidorov et al., Phys. Rev. B 71 094422 (2005)