折井 仁嗣(草部研)
丸山 勲
A new method for quantum calculation using the tree tensor network

The spin degree of freedom plays an important role in the magnetism. Theoretical models of the quantum spin systems, such as the Heisenberg model, have been studied to explore magnetic order. In theoretical studies, numerical approaches are now widely used because computer technology has been developed rapidly. However, the most accurate method, the exact diagonalization, is not always available because the dimension of quantum spin states has exponential growth for the number of spins N.

The density matrix renormalization group(DMRG) [1] is known as a strong way to calculate the quantum ground state for the one dimension system, but is not effective for two or three dimensional models. Recently, the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) [2] and the tree tensor network (TTN) [3] have attracted attention due to possibility to calculate two dimensional systems. While the DMRG expresses variational states by matrix product states, these new methods generalize the representation of the states, that is, the tensor product states. Compared with the TTN, the MERA shows better accuracy because a key ingredient of the MERA is based on the quantum entanglement. In this presentation, I will talk about a method we developed, the projected TTN method, where projection of states is used to recover the quantum entanglement.

I will also introduce the background, the terminology, and the concept of the research as the introduction.

Tree tensor networkを用いた新しい量子計算手法の開発


1次元系においては、density matrix renormalization group(DMRG)[1]が基底状態を計算するための強力な手法として知られているが、2次元、3次元系においては有効ではない。2次元系においてはmulti-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) [2]が活路を開いている。MERAは量子絡み合い(量子エンタングルメント)に着目し、基底状態をテンソルを用いて表現する。テンソルを用いて状態を表現する方法として、tree tensor network(TTN)[3]も知られている。今回の発表ではこのTTNの改良として、テンソルを用いて表現した波動関数を射影して基底状態とし、エネルギーを計算するという方法(projected TTN法)を試みた結果を報告する。


  1. Steven R. White , Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2863-2866 (1992).
  2. G. Evenbly and G. Vidal, Phys.Lev. B 79, 144108 (2009).
  3. L. Tagliacozzo, G. Evenbly, and G.Vidal , Phys. Rev. B 80, 235127 (2009).