奥野 克樹(宮坂研)
宮坂 博
Photochromism in Organic Molecules

Photochromism is a color change of materials induced by the photoirradiation in its original meaning. For molecules, the reversible isomerization processes between two isomers, where at least one of the reversible reactions is a photoinduced reaction, is defined as the molecular photochromism. Not only the electronic absorption (color) but also various properties of molecules, such as refractive indices, dielectric constants, redox potentials and so on, can changed by the photochromic reaction taking place in very short lifetime of the electronic excited state (typically < several tens of picoseconds).

This quick change of molecular properties via the photoinduced chemical-bond reconstruction has been attracting much attenstion from the viewpoints of the application to opto-electronic devices such as photo-memory, photo-switches, and photo-driven mesoscopic actuator. Also from the fundamental viewpoints, photochromic reaction have been widely investigated as one of the model reaction of the chamical bond cleavage / production, because the time origin of the photochromic reaction can be easily determinde by the ultrashort laser pulsed excitation leading to the time-resolved detection of precise reaction profiles of which information is not easily obtained for usual thermal chemical reactions.

In the present colloquium, I will show you brief history of the photochromism, interesting photochromic properties, the mechanism of photochromic reactions, and future prospect in the photochromism by covering several photochromic molecular families.




