北垣 将臣(清水研)
清水 克哉
Direct synthesis of high-Tc superconductive sulfur hydrides under high pressure
Hydrogen dominant materials were predicted to become high-Tc superconductors [1]. Also experimentally sulfur hydride demonstrated superconductivity with a Tc of 203 K at 150 GPa [2]. This is the highest-Tc superconductor observed experimentally so far. As theoretically predicted [3], the structure of superconductive sulfur hydride was found to be cubic H3S through X-ray diffraction measurements by our group [3]. We also claimed that H3S is formed by 3H2S → 2H3S + S. In this case, pure H3S wasn’t obtained because of excess sulfur. To obtain pure H3S, direct synthesis from elemental sulfur and hydrogen under high pressure and high temperature was performed recently by several groups [5][6]. I will talk about the possibility of realizing high-Tc superconductors with hydrogen dominant metals and the direct synthesis method to obtain high-crystalline samples.
水素を多く含む金属水素化物が高い超伝導転移温度(Tc)を示すということが理論的に予測された[1]。また実験的には、硫化水素が150 GPaの高圧下において、203 Kの高いTcを示す実験結果が報告された[2]。これは現在確認されている中で最も高いTcをもつ超伝導体である。理論計算[3]と我々のグループのX線回折実験[4]により、硫化水素の超伝導相はH2Sが高圧において分子解離して得られた立方晶H3Sであることが示された(3H2S → 2H3S + S)。しかしH2Sを出発物質とした合成手法では、余剰なSを含んだH3Sしか得られない。この問題を解決するために、単体のH2とSからH3Sを高温高圧力下で直接合成する実験(direct synthesis)が行われた[5][6]。
  1. N.W. Ashcroft, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 187002 (2004).
  2. A.P. Drozdov, M.I. Eremets, I.A. Troyan, V. Ksenofontov, and S.I. Shylin, Nature 525, 73 (2015).
  3. D. Duan, Y. Liu, F. Tian, D. Li, X. Huang, Z. Zhao, H. Yu, B. Liu, W. Tian, and T. Cui, Sci. Rep. 4, 30 (2014).
  4. M. Einaga, M. Sakata, T. Ishikawa, K. Shimizu, M. Eremets, A. Drozdov, I. Troyan, N. Hirao, and Y. Ohishi, Nature Phys. 12, 835-838 (2015).
  5. B. Guigue, A. Marizy, and P. Loubeyre, Phys. Rev. B 95, 1 (2017).
  6. A.F. Goncharov, S.S. Lobanov, V.B. Prakapenka, and E. Greenberg, Phys. Rev. B 95, 1 (2017).
